Save The Rainforest

Now You can make a difference, there is an easy way...
Go Green & help others do the same.

Offset your Carbon emissions to mitigate your own greenhouse gas emissions from transportation, electricity use, and other sources.  Carbon offsetting has gained some appeal and momentum mainly among consumers in western countries who have become aware and concerned about the potentially negative environmental effects of energy-intensive lifestyles and economies.

Future generations are depending on us to secure our Planet and solve our addiction to fossil fuels and the resulting impact on this Planet Earth, the place we call home. Carbon Central Network - CCN  is now offering affordable solutions to offset your carbon Footprint and to educate others so that they know they can to do the same.

Our everyday actions consume energy and produce carbon emissions, activities such as driving, flying and heating buildings.  Now... you can easily do something about reducing your carbon footprint.


The environmental problems that we are facing are not just local issues but global ones. We are all connected and understanding environmental issues beyond our own country's borders is the first step in enabling us to be able to make the right choices for ourselves, our children and the world.

Carbon Central Network is dedicated to making a positive contribution to global society through our focus on preserving the environment, empowering people, instilling responsible business practices, supporting community investment and helping educate and inspire the next generation.

Our attitude as a global business is that we need to have a 'global perspective' on the communities we have the power to impact on and improve. This is a direct reflection of the firm's core values and enhances our ability to provide superior service to our clients, our employees and also the communities in which we develop a point of presence.

As such at CCN we strive to also help use our intellectual and capital resources towards addressing global issues; including (but not limited to) helping to reduce poverty and increase benefits for rural and native communities, the conservation of rainforests, protecting wildlife, enhancing biodiversity and providing funding for the fight against global warming.

Global Warming impacts many areas of our society and the world and at CCN we believe that it is extremely important to help educate people especially in industrialised countries on a variety of subjects.

Remember that the environmental problems that we are currently facing are not only a local issue but a global one. All of us are connected now and the education of ourselves and the understanding of the environmental issues beyond the borders of our own countries is the first step to enabling us to be able to decide and to make the right choices for ourselves, our children and us all.

CCN is currently pursuing further cooperation with other organisations dedicated to fighting climate change, associations that support conservation and institutions that provide financial services to small-scale entrepreneurs in developing countries.

It is through these interactions that we hope to inspire other groups and/or individuals to contribute to this global movement.

If you or your business is interested in developing or implementing any relevant programs with CCN we encourage you to join with us.

CCN's is passionate about creating worldwide awareness about the importance of preserving our rainforests and supporting the communities dependent on them for their livelihood.

Thank you all for your support.
Ralph Rojas and everyone at CCN

Carbon Central Network

Save Our Planet

Forests come in a variety of types; tropical and temperate rainforests, subtropical rainforests, monsoonal rainforests, cloud forest, lowland rainforests, hill slope forests, temperate hardwood forests, tropical dry forests, tropical and subtropical coniferous forests all of which can be in either primary or secondary forms. There are 2 things that all these different types of forests have in common, they are essential to the long-term survival of life on Earth as we know it - and they all are in massive decline.

Destroying rainforests for economic gain is like burning a Renaissance painting to cook a meal.    - Edward O. Wilson

Environmental scientists refer to forests as the ‘Lungs of the Earth’. They absorb carbon, release oxygen, clean water, and also provide shelter, fuel and food. Forests are crucial in recycling carbon, oxygen and nitrogen and reducing the effects of pollution acting as a natural filter for the air we breathe. In the process of growth, trees also absorb the surrounding heat which controls localised and worldwide temperatures while the leaf cover that they provide give an additional ‘cooling effect’ to the Earth. The more forests that are cut down the more we reduce this beneficial process.
Forests also provide humanity with various other essential services. When a forest is destroyed, it can affect not only the balance of the direct environment but also surrounding environment. They also store water, regulate rainfall and provide a home to over half the planet’s biodiversity by providing protection to the ecosystems that depend on them. This enables many threatened and endangered species to continue to exist.

Saving the forests is not only vital for sustaining ecosystems that humanity is dependent on but they also provides sustenance and income for more than one billion people globally. Saving what remains of our forests has become essential to maintain our way of life, but currently excessive global consumption, corporate greed and illegal logging are putting immense pressures on forests worldwide.

Billions of dollars every year are now being pledged to help developing countries stop forest destruction, acquire clean energy and adapt to climate change creating an incredible opportunity for businesses like Carbon Central Network and our members to be involved. Deforestation has become one of the most significant issues of the modern age and CCN knows that considerable measures must be taken now to prevent further pillaging of our essential forest resources. It is essential that these areas become the primary focus for new conservation projects like the conservation initiative begun by Carbon Central Network.

The time for global action to protect forests is now. The world needs successful examples of climate solutions that produce visibly tangible results. It is CCN’s hope that our conservation initiative will be a critical first step to achieve this. We hope to inspire governments and other organisations around the world to create similar programs that will become a worldwide movement resulting in the total protection of the remaining precious forests that we have left.

Carbon Central Network invites you to become a part of this Global green movement

Save Our Planet ~ Stop Rainforest Distruction

This is both a critical and an extraordinary time for to SAVE OUR PLANET.

Over the past five years we have witnessed an increasing awareness about the effect that we as a species are having on our world’s rainforests.  Environmental organisations, conservation groups and now even governments are actively encouraging businesses and individuals to seriously consider the effect that the destruction of rainforests is going to have on our planet and ourselves. If we as society do not find a way to stop the continual devastation of these essential ecosystems the end results are obvious and terrifying.

Without our  Tropical rainforests the world’s air production and quality will severely decline and one of our main purification and cooling systems will be gone. Essential ecosystems will collapse resulting in less world food production and the world’s plant and animal biodiversity will be severely reduced through species extinction. Unique tribal communities and their cultures will be lost and the green that our planet is famous for will be gone. If we do not take responsibility now, the future for our children is not a blue and green one, but a world of grey and brown. Future generations will live in a world where food and water is scarce, resources are low and health problems are significantly increased.

Where they can only read about unique tribal cultures, rainforests and the majority of our animal and plant species in books. In this world, the green and blue beauty of our planet Earth will be nothing more than a legend, a myth. It is no longer only necessary for us all to take responsibility for our rainforests – but is essential for the future of life as we know it.

But there is still hope. Governments around the world are now starting to work together to create entirely new industries focused solely on saving rainforests, creating environmentally friendly technologies and new jobs in sustainability and eco management. Currently the strong international pressure to protect forests and to encourage more sustainable practices to be employed throughout all facets of business and agriculture worldwide is absolutely a necessary step in the right direction. But the question is - Will it be enough to save our planet?

At CCN, we strongly believe that the most effective way to motivate people to take action to stop rainforest destruction is to incentivise them to do so. We know that if done correctly, this will create a mass movement of people to take real action to save our remaining rainforests, reduce their own carbon emissions and encourage others to be involved as well.

CCN is creating the NETWORK to start this process. We are confident that the move to GO GREEN, to GO CARBON NEUTRAL and to save our world's rainforests will improve economies around the world, creating a better use of our resources and sustaining our planet for future generations.
At CCN we aim to transform the greatest challenge facing humanity today, into the greatest opportunity of our time.

We welcome you to join us to Secure Our Planet.

Your CCN Founders.

Erminio Kotlar from Carbon Central Network in Indigenous Peoples Congress


Frogs are an integral part of the food web.

Frogs form a vital part of the ecological systems that they belong to.

* When frogs are born as tadpoles, they consume large amounts of algae that grow in ponds and other water systems. This feeding during their development actually help to keep the water clean and also prevents excessive algal growth which can deplete oxygen and choke these waterways.

* As adults, frogs consume vast quantities of invertebrates, especially insects that spawn in swamp and wetlands areas, which helps to keep the ecosystem in balance. This has a massive impact on controlling certain 'pest' insect populations from growing too large for humans to control which would otherwise consume or ruin our agricultural crops.

* Frogs also eat large quantities of insects which carry disease vectors that can transmit potentially fatal illnesses to humans such as malaria carrying mosquitoes. This is important to prevent disease spread and potential outbreaks and can have massive benefits to people who live in these areas. In the event that any of these insects ever carried a new form of disease that people had never encountered before, frogs could help to keep the insect populations down long enough to prevent an uncontrollable outbreak or could help give our scientists the necessary time to develop a vaccine.

Together We Can Save The Rainforest